esmaspäev, 28. jaanuar 2013

Well, f*ck.

Tegin väikse valearvestuse. Tänaseks oli vaja teha inkas kõne teemal "Leadership". Meile öeldi, et me seda ette kandma ei pea, aga kuna klassikaaslased mind väga tugevalt "toetasid", oleks selle mitte esitamine olnud juba ebaviisakas. Seega korjasin oma julguse ja eneseväärikuse kokku ja lugesin ette eelneval õhtul valmis kirjutatud vihkamiskõne. Seda esitades proovisin hoida silmsidet õpetajaga, et saada teada, kui tekib see hetk, kus ma peaksin klassist välja jooksma. Siiski seda ei toimunud ja Kubi oli väga meelitatud, et ma teda Hitleriga võrdlesin.

Kõne ei ole eriline meistriteos, seega ärge oodake sealt mingit sügavamat mõtet. Peale kirjutamist läksin kohe magama ja seega lugesin seda ka ise esimest korda alles tunnis.  


They say that in proper countries dictatorship is dead. So how come it still survives in our English class? I believe that if we all put our heads together we can really make a difference.
It seems to me that our english class is being run by a dictator. It’s like we have no control over our lives and actions in the classroom. So what can we do?
Can we really just accept it as part of our lives and step aside and let our lives be controlled by someone who has no care for others?
I believe that we can change how things are run by standing up for ourselves and by not being afraid of our teacher. We must be able to overcome the thought of possible dire consequences and not be afraid to stand up for what we believe in.
We can find comfort in history. Only in very few occasions, dictatorship has prevailed. The most famous case is North Korea. However, in the end even they will be brought to see reason and they will answer for their crimes against humanity. Just like Hitler and Stalin. They too thought that they’d never fall and would live forever, but if we take a look at what has happened to them, we see that they are the monsters parents use to scare children. 
So we come to realise that the way students are treated can’t last forever. Eventually some brave souls will take a chance and will stand up to form a new order. The present may be dark, but in the future I can see a light. A light that indicates that things will change – and for the better. I am one of these brave people who will lead students to victory or will get an X for trying.
I hope I wont stand alone and you all will join me against this evil reign. You are the only people who can make your lives better, so I hope you are with me. Together we are strong, together we are undefeatable and together we will prevail!

Thank you for your attention. :)

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